
Grace Fellowship at South Park at a glance:
We are a Bible-believing, non-denominational church that exists to bring people into a closer relationship with God. Our mission, vision, and aim is to proclaim the true and only Hope that is found in Christ Jesus. We believe and teach that there is only one God, one faith, and one Savior.

Sunday Morning

Word of Life (Experienced Believers) – 9:15 AM
Cornerstone (Family and Adults) 9:15 AM
Worship Service – 10:30 AM

Sunday Evening

Forged Youth Group (Middle and High School) 5:30 PM

Wednesday Night

Strive (Youth) – 6:30 PM
Ablaze (College and Career) – 6:30 PM
Connections (Family Leaders) – 6:30 PM
Bible Study (Experienced Believers) – 6:30 PM

Current Bulletin

Weekly Verses

Matthew 6:5-15
Luke 5:16
Ecclesiastes 5:2
Matthew 6:33
Psalm 139:24